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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

tbilisi Deep art

patricia london ante paris from Munich is now the second time in Georgia for a longer work period. She comes with an open mind, fresh ideas and her cool art instinct.

The newest project is a 1-page Art zine she is publishing with the first issue today in exactly 24 issues. The first issue is out today on April 15th, the second tomorrow and so on. She hands it out printed and sends it as a PDF. Its called: Tbilisi Deep Art
(sounds to me like an art submarine docked in the wrong port;))

dear friends!
i am happy to announce you today the first edition of my new magazine
tbilisi DEEPART.
until my departure from tbilisi in july 08 there will appear 24 free numbers
of DEEPART, which cover reports on tiflis and art in the top half.
the second part presents "The Mandarins Of Tiflis", portraits of the tbilisi
art scene, i had made in winter.
the title "The Mandarins Of Tiflis" quotes simone de beauvoir's book
"the mandarins of paris". there she describes the paris artscene, the
secret rulers of paris during german occupation.
"The Mandarins of Tiflis" also refers to the future export good mandarines.
i hope DEEPART transports some of the immensely creative art potential
of tbilisi and evokes your interest,
with cordial regards
patricia london ante paris
artist - editor

patricia london ante paris
elvirastr. 4/ rgb.
d- 80636 muenchen
mobile tiflis: 891163076

You can download the first issue as PDF (135 kb) here:

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